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What is our goal?

Our goal, as members of the ASU community, is to provide high quality ML content for you folks to learn from. We cover content from linear regression up, and our goal is really to motivate ML in its many forms, and provide you folks with the tools needed to attack any problems you face. We provide content on ML + Deep Learning from an optimization based stand point, but we consistently improve to give you the best knowledge and tailor your knowledge to the disciplines that you’re interested in.

Who are we?

We are a club based out of the ASU Tempe Campus, and we meet regularly to provide talks on interesting topics in machine learning, as well as providing a place for anyone interested to meet, share their work or even team up on things like hackathons!

How do I join?

If you are a student at ASU, please join our SunDevilSync and join our Discord.

We are open to people who are not students at ASU(or students anywhere for that matter), in which case you can simply join our Discord using the link above. Discord is our main mode of communication, and is the best and fastest way to communicate throughout the club.

When/where do we meet?

The most up-to date info about current meetings is available here: Meeting List